In particular, these carbon nanoscrolls
are structurally made by continuous graphene Saracatinib purchase sheets rolled-up in a tube-like structure with a Lenvatinib molecular weight hollow core, resembling a multi-walled carbon nanotube [18]. However, a number of morphologies are produced by this mechanical approach; in fact, the graphene monolayers, generated from the GNP exfoliation, can roll in different ways under the effect of the applied shear-friction force. Cylindrical and fusiform nanoscroll structures are usually found together with partially rolled, multi-rolled, and other irregularly shaped rolled structures. In addition, carbon nanoscrolls characterized by a significant length (few hundred microns) are not stereo-rigid and appear like a sort of hair since they are bended in different points by the presence of defects (narrowing) along their structure. Figure 2 OM, TEM, and SEM micrographs of the produced carbon nanoscrolls (from top to bottom). Cylindrical nanoscrolls
have very uniform diameters and tend to form bundles like carbon nanotubes because of π-π interactions (see the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) micrograph given in Figure 2). Typical lengths, L, of the produced cylindrical nanoscrolls range from 0.5 to 2.5 μm, and the diameter, D, Q-VD-Oph datasheet is ca. 100 nm. Consequently, each cylindrical nanoscroll should contain from two to eight inner layers, N = L / πD. In Additional file 1, a more precise calculation of the inner layer number is reported, considering an Archimedean spiral-type structure. Nanoscrolls containing only a few graphene layers result to be quite transparent (see the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs in Figure 2). However, for fusiform nanoscrolls, the number of layers is greater by a factor √2 compared to that for cylindrical nanoscrolls. For a length L = 2.5 μm, we have N = L√2 / πD (approximately 11). Both cylindrical and fusiform carbon nanoscrolls are hollow, and therefore, they might be of particular interest for many technological applications like hydrogen storage,
Adenosine triphosphate drug delivery, novel composite nanomaterial fabrication, etc. The produced CNSs have been characterized by micro-Raman spectroscopy (Horiba Jobin-Yvon TriAx monochromator (Kyoto, Japan), equipped with a liquid-nitrogen-cooled charge-coupled detector and a grating of 1,800 grooves/mm, which allows a final spectral resolution of 4 cm−1). Raman spectroscopy has been widely used as a fast, powerful, and nondestructive method for characterizing sp 2 carbon systems and can provide information about the defects of the structure. Results of the micro-Raman spectroscopy scattering measurements carried out on the CNSs fabricated by the shear-friction method are shown in Figure 3. The spectra were recorded under ambient condition using a He-Ne (632.8 nm) laser source. The laser light was focused to a 1- to 2-μm spot size on the samples under low-power irradiation to avoid additional heating effect during the measurement.