selective PI3K kinase inhibitors did not block ERK phosphoryl ation, yet e hibited inhibitory effect on infection, indi cates that the PI3K mediated cascade acts independent or downstream of that mediated by ERK. The involvement of ERK activation is not uncommon in signaling during viral infection. ERK signaling has been shown to be important in the mobilization of receptors for the hepatitis C virus, in viral gene e pres sion for respiratory syncytial virus, human cytomegalo virus, and Kaposis sarcoma associated herpes virus, in viral genome replication for the influenza Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries virus and mouse hepatitis virus, in viral assembly for HCV, and in viral release from host cells for Borna disease virus.
Similarly, PI3K Akt activation is needed for viral entry for the influenza virus, avian leucosis retrovirus, and vaccinia virus, all of which are also functionally dependent Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries on Akt activation, unlike the case with HAstV1 infection. An integration of multiple signaling cascades has been shown for KSHV infection, in which the FAK Src PI3K PKC MEK ERK cas cade is Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries involved in viral early gene e pression, and the PI3K Akt RhoA cascade, but not ERK activation, is im portant for viral entry. An integration of the PI3K and ERK pathways was not observed in HAstV1 infec tion. rather, the signaling pathways appeared to be sep arate. Because such a pattern of kinase activation during infection has not been found for other viruses, our study has uncovered a unique signal transduction strategy of HAstV1 for establishing infection in host cells.
Conclusions A panel of kinase inhibitors was used to identify the cellu lar signal transduction pathways important Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries for HAstV1 infection. Inhibitors that block PI3K activation were found to interfere with infection, independent of the process of ERK activation. PI3K activation occurred at an early phase of infection, and the downstream targets required for the in fection were not Akt or Rac1. Moreover, PKA was found to be involved in some aspects of viral particle production. Our results reveal a previously unknown role of PI3K in establishing HAstV1 infection and PKA on viral production. Methods Virus and cells The HAstV1 isolate was provided by Dr. Mitsuaki Oseto. Caco 2 cells were maintained in a culture medium consisting of minimum essential medium with Eagles modification supplemented with 1 mM sodium pyruvate, non essential amino acids, and Entinostat 10% fetal bovine serum.
Preparation of virus stocks, quantitation of viral particles, and measurement of infectious titer To prepare HAstV1 stocks, Caco 2 cells were infected with HAstV1 at appro imately 100 viral particles per cell. The culture supernatant was collected 2 days after infection, freeze thawed, cleared selleck chem inhibitor of cell debris by centri fugation, and stored in aliquots as HAstV1 stocks. These stocks typically contained about 109 particles per mL. The number of viral particles present in the viral prep arations was determined from a measurement of RNA copy number obtained using real time