We have previously demonstrated that NgR1 and its ligands are upregulated in the hippocampus of aged rats with impaired spatial learning and memory, but it is unknown whether increased expression of these proteins indicates a potential increase in pathway signaling because NgR1 requires co-receptors for signal transduction through RhoA. Two co-receptor complexes have been
identified to date, comprised of NgR1 and LINGO-1, and either p75 or TROY. In this study, we assessed the expression of LINGO-1, p75 and TROY, and the downstream effector RhoA ICG-001 price in mature adult (12 months) and aged (26 months) male Fischer 344/Brown Norway hybrid rats classified as cognitively impaired or cognitively intact by Morris water maze testing. The hippocampal Selleckchem PD0325901 distribution of NgR1 and its co-receptors was assessed to determine whether receptor/co-receptor interaction, and therefore signaling through this pathway, is possible. Protein expression of LINGO-1, p75, TROY and RhoA was significantly elevated in cognitively impaired, but not intact, aged rats compared with mature adults, and expression levels correlated significantly with water maze performance. Co-localization of NgR1 with LINGO-1, p75 and TROY
was observed in hippocampal neurons of aged, cognitively impaired rats. Further, expression profiles of NgR1 pathway components were demonstrated to classify rats as cognitively intact or cognitively impaired with high accuracy. Together, this suggests that hippocampal induction of this pathway is a conserved phenomenon in cognitive decline that may impair learning and memory by suppressing neuronal plasticity. “
hypothesized that cutaneous afferent myelinated fibers (A-fibers) and afferent unmyelinated fibers (C-fibers) respond to the same natural stimuli applied to their axons as to their terminals in the skin. In anesthetized rats, activity was recorded from afferent axons in strands isolated proximally from the sural nerve. Mechanical, cold or heat stimuli were applied to the skin or along a 15-mm length of the distal sural nerve. One-hundred and eighteen A-fibers and 109 C-fibers PIK-5 were characterized by their conduction velocity and/or shape of their action potentials, and by their responses to natural stimulation of the skin. Then, these fibers were tested for their responses to the same stimuli applied to the nerve. In some cases, the nerve was crushed distally after the nerve fibers had been characterized by their responses to physiological stimulation of the skin, and the responses to stimuli applied to the nerve proximal to the lesion were tested again. Almost all non-nociceptive cold-sensitive (type 1) C-fibers (97%) could be activated by cold stimuli applied to the nerve. Of nociceptive cold-sensitive (type 2) C-fibers, 39% were activated by cold stimuli applied to the nerve.