Two year survival rate was 90% in responders and 25% in non-responders using this criteria with p=0.002 (19). Uptake decrease during therapy is a continuous variable and different thresholds have been
determined by other investigators. For example, Shah et al found that a 45% cutoff comparing uptake after 35 days was the best value to separate responders from nonresponders and predict outcome (20). In evaluating response to treatment for esophageal carcinoma, studies have shown marked variability (from 10-80%) in the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical cutoff values determined retrospectively, and it seems likely that gastric cancer may have comparable variability (21). Wahl et al. have proposed a PET Response Criteria in Solid Tumors (PERCIST) analogous to and intended to eventually supercede other anatomic tumor response metrics such as the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria and multiple versions of the Response Evaluation
Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) (22). Wahl notes that both qualitative and quantitative approaches have been made in using PET results for response assessment. Because Linsitinib statistically significant variability between SUV values is typical even when tested and retested under careful control, PERCIST criteria proposes a 30% or greater decline as indicative of “medically relevant beneficial changes”. Per the criteria, normal reference tissue values Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical are designated within a scan by using a consistent protocol based on regions of interest in the liver and the most active tissues. Wahl suggests that the PERCIST criteria be used as a starting point for clinical trials and clinical reporting. This seems wise as the ad hoc approach to defining PET response has resulted in a body of work that is fragmented to the point of poor relevance.
Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Figure 2 CT-PET at diagnosis shows uptake in the proximal stomach. After therapy, uptake Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is visibly reduced. Many gastric cancers are not PET avid and repeat imaging will not provide additional useful imaging in these patients. Wahl recommends the use of RECIST 1.1 in such cases. Ott et al grouped patients with non-avid tumors as similar in prognosis to metabolic non-responders, that is, biologically unfavorable with poorer prognosis. Metabolic responders had a 69% histopathologic response rate while metabolic non-responders Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease had only a 17% histopathologic response rate, similar to the 24% histopathologic response rate of the non-avid group. Survival was also similar between the non-avid group and the non-responding group while significantly different from the responding group (19). In addition to suggesting response criteria and prognosis groupings, Kim et al. have compared FDG -PET to fluorothymidine (FLT)-PET with interesting results. FLTPET had a higher sensitivity than FDG-PET and Ott suggests that it may provide a useful adjunct by providing a quantitative assessment of proliferation.