This large decrease in valley splitting due to implicit doping can be explained by the smearing of the doping layer in the direction normal to the δ-layer, thereby decreasing the quantum confinement effect responsible for breaking the degeneracy in the system. Carter
et al. [32] also shows that the arrangement of the phosphorus atoms in the δ-layer strongly influences the valley splitting value. In particular, they showed that there is a difference of NSC 683864 manufacturer up to 220 meV between P doping along the [110] direction and along the [100] direction. It should be noted, however, that deterministic nearest-neighbour donor placements are not yet physically realisable due to the P incorporation mechanism GSK458 currently employed [27, 53]. Similarly, the perfectly ordered arrangement discussed here is highly improbable, given the experimental limitations, but represents the ideal case from which effects such as disorder can be studied. Table 2 Valley splitting
values of 1/4 ML P-doped silicon obtained using different techniques Technique Number of Valley layers splitting (meV) Planar Wannier orbitala[30] 1,000 20 Tight binding (4 K)b[34] ∼150 ∼17 Tight binding (4 K)b[37] 120 25 Tight binding (300 K)b[36] ∼150 ∼17 40 7 80 6 DFT, SZP basis set a[32] 120 6 160 6 200 6 DFT, SZP: ordered b[31] 40 120 DFT, SZP: random disorder b[31] 40 ∼70 DFT, SZP: [110] direction alignment b[32] 40 ∼270 DFT, SZP: dimers b[32] 40 ∼85 DFT, SZP: random disorder b[32] 40 ∼80 DFT, SZP: clusters b[32] 40 ∼65 DFT, SZP: [100] direction alignment Pazopanib molecular weight b[32] 40 ∼50 DFT, SZP: ordered, M=4b,c[32] 80 153 DFT, SZP: ordered, M=6b,c[32]
80 147 DFT, SZP: ordered, M=10b,c[32] 80 147 40 145.1 60 144.7 SZP, M=9 (this work)b,c 80 144.8 120 144.7 160 144.7 200 144.7 16 118.6 32 94.1 PW, M=9 (this work)b,d 40 93.5 60 93.3 80 93.2 40 100 60 99.5 DZP, M=9 (this work)b,c 80 99.5 120 99.3 160 99.6 Techniques are grouped by similarity. aImplicit doping; bExplicit doping; c M × M × 1k-points; d M × M × N k-points; N as in Appendix 1. Our results show that valley splitting is highly sensitive to the choice of basis set. Due to the nature of PW basis set, it is SB202190 order straightforward to improve its completeness by increasing the plane-wave cut-off energy. In this way, we establish the most accurate valley splitting value within the context of density functional theory. Using this benchmark value, we can then establish the validity and accuracy of other basis sets, which can be used to extend the system sizes to that beyond what is practical using a PW basis set. As seen in Table 2, the valley splitting value converges to 93 meV using 80-layer cladding. The DZP localised basis set gives an excellent agreement at 99.5 meV using 80-layer cladding (representing a 7% difference). On the other hand, our SZP localised basis set gave a value of 145 meV using the same amount of cladding.