These appeared randomly within the block. Trials containing electrical stimuli were excluded from off-line analysis of MEPs and intracortical excitability in order to eliminate an unlikely direct impact of the sensory input. However, previous studies have shown that only strong (2–3 × PT) stimuli, but not around the PT, can change SICI (Kobayashi Lumacaftor in vivo et al., 2003). The visual tasks were presented on the screen of a PC at a resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels (Fig. 2). The eye–monitor distance was ~57 cm. Vision was corrected by individual glasses if necessary. Head movement was unnecessary to see the target and only minimal gaze movements were required. Two different visual search tasks, conjunction (Fig. 2A)
and feature (Fig. 2B), were used (series 1). The array was 660 × 660 pixels. BYL719 purchase Ten search elements were placed at random within a (not visible) 6 × 6 grid in this area, then jittered within the ‘square’ in which they were placed. The elements were 60 × 60 pixel red or blue diagonals. In the conjunction search, the distractors were red and blue diagonals in opposite orientations and the target was a blue diagonal pointing in the same direction as the red distractors. In the feature search, a blue diagonal was the target and only red distractors were present. The display
duration was 700 ms and blue and red stimuli were isoluminant (~20 cd/m3 on the monitor). The target was present on 50% of the trials. Intracortical excitability was recorded using paired pulses as previously described (Kujirai et al., 1993) with a subthreshold conditioning pulse preceding a suprathreshold Sulfite dehydrogenase test stimulus. Four different interstimulus intervals (ISIs) were tested: 2 and 3 ms to evaluate SICI, and 12 and 15 ms to evaluate ICF. The first series of experiments was performed under three different experimental conditions: (i) at rest, (ii) during a block involving the detection of cutaneous electrical stimulation to a skin area on the dorsum of the hand, and (iii) during a block during which participants performed the visual attention protocol. The stimulus intensity of the test pulse was adjusted to 130% of the resting motor
threshold, which is known to often produce an MEP of ~1 mV. The intensity of the conditioning stimulus was set at 80% of the active motor threshold. The active motor threshold was defined as the lowest intensity able to evoke an MEP of more than 200 μV during a minimal background contraction of 5–10% of the maximal voluntary contraction. The resting motor threshold was defined as the lowest intensity to evoke an MEP of more than 50 μV at rest. For each experimental condition, five randomly intermixed conditions were used (four double pulses presented 12 times each, single test pulses presented 20 times). The intertrial interval was ~5 s. For MEP recordings under different experimental conditions, 20 trials (at 130% resting motor threshold) per condition were recorded using single TMS pulses in series 1.