Supporting this speculation is the result that survivin was detec

Supporting this speculation is the result that survivin was detectably increased by ANE in OC2 cells (Fig. S6). ANE also obviously induced HIF1α, the master regulator of hypoxia adaptation, via activating ERK (Fig. S6). In addition,

activation of NF-κB appeared to favor cell survival during ANE treatment in spite of the potential side effect, cell cycle retardation. As a cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor, p21 is well known as a negative regulator of cell proliferation [36]. However, increasing evidence has suggested that nuclear p21 may not simply induce cell cycle arrest. Accumulation of p21 in the nucleus has been shown to be correlated with poor prognosis and disease progress in OSCC [37] and [38]. Interestingly, p21 may facilitate

G1/S transition after assembling into CCND1/Cdk2/p21/PCNA complex unless cyclin E/Cdk2 is sequestered by excessive p21 proteins ([39] and [40]). Given that ANE-induced p21 retards cell cycle, cells may continue proliferation once areca nut is removed after chewing. In surviving cells, ANE possibly triggers transformation via mechanisms besides the ROS-mediated DNA damage. In the shown examples, E7080 mw however, it is unclear how and why EGFR and Akt were downregulated by ANE at lower serum concentration. Although Akt is commonly known as an oncoprotein, accumulating evidence has suggested that like Ras, overactivated Akt may induce senescence under specific circumstances HSP90 [41]. Because Akt could sensitize cells to ROS-mediated apoptosis, downregulation of Akt activity might facilitate early carcinogenesis induced by ANE [42]. Once nutrients and serum are sufficiently available especially after angiogenesis, activation of EGFR and Akt signaling possibly accelerates the progression of OSCC. Taken together, by manipulating FBS concentration we discovered that ANE differentially determined cellular destiny, thus delineating a possible progression

of ANE-mediated oral carcinogenesis (Fig. 5). Without the interference from exogenous growth factors, the effects of ANE on epithelial-mesenchymal transition are also easier to observe in cells supplemented with less FBS. Our results give a potential model for the simulation of ANE-mediated pathogenesis in culture cells. WT, Ji initiated this project, executed most of the experiments, and wrote the manuscript. YC, Chuang provided related resources. HP, Chen was responsible for morphology photos. CC, Lee provided the comments of clinical observations. Jeff YF, Chen conceived the plan and corrected the manuscript. SR, Yang was responsible for independent Western blot and morphology photos. JH, Chen and CJ, Wang were responsible for RT-PCR and reporter assay, respectively. HR, Chen conceived the plan and corrected the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. [43] This work was partially supported by National Science Council (97-2311-B-194-001-MY3) and no additional external funding was received for this study.

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