Severe allergies to house-hold, work-place and environmental allergies are known to be debilitating and should also be tested when possible. As indicated above, more comprehensive recommendations for relevant serological and allergy testing will be tackled in the future, as the list is long and the issues surrounding many tests will need to be addressed appropriately.
There is much work to be done in CFS research. In order for this work to be most beneficial for the patient and contribute significantly to scientific knowledge, CFS researchers need to agree on the use of standardized and valid instruments. We hope that this paper helps bring greater attention to this factor, promotes increased collaboration among investigators, and facilitates agreement upon this website minimum standards for reporting findings. Additional work that needs to be done involves the collection of standardized data fully characterizing CFS patients across clinical settings will make collection selleck compound of biologic samples and establishment of a biorepositories a crucial resource for the next generation of molecular testing. Having standardized data and biologic samples in the hands of experienced investigators, will increase the chance of validating findings and establishing meaningful sub-groups of CFS linked to biologic alterations
amenable to therapeutic interventions. At the present time, there are three groups that are attempting to do just this; one headed by the Chronic Fatigue Initiative, the other by the CFS group at the CDC, and a third by the CFIDS Association’s BioBank. “
“The name of author, Luciano D’Attilio was misspelled in the original publication. The correct spelling appears in the author line above. “
“Interdisciplinary collaboration
has established psychoneuroimmunology, also known as neuroimmunomodulation, as a field of investigation with the goal of rigorous scientific research into the elusive mind–body connection. The neuroendocrine system is capable of modulating the immune system via a wide breadth of control mechanisms that link these two systems (Blalock, 1994). Evidence for this interaction is derived from the observation that certain neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, and neurohormones affect the immune function both in vivo and in vitro, and receptors for these molecules are present on lymphocytes and macrophages O-methylated flavonoid ( Alves et al., 2007, Blalock, 1989, Carvalho-Freitas et al., 2008, Costa-Pinto and Palermo-Neto, 2010, Downing and Miyan, 2000, Nance and Sanders, 2007 and Quinteiro-Filho et al., 2012). Since the 1936 studies by Selye (1936), stress induction has been considered a promising method to study the interactions between the nervous and immune systems. Psychological stressors, such as confinement or predator odors, as well as physical stressors, such as low temperature or food shortage, evoke physiological changes that disturb homeostasis by altering the equilibrium of various humoral factors.