It was assumed that in response to the oxidative stress caused by the interaction of light with photosynthetic Y 27632 pigments a repression of the photosynthetic pigment production is induced by the transcriptional modulator TspO [14]. In contrast, the corresponding knowledge about BChl a-containing aerobic gammaproteobacteria belonging to the OM60/NOR5 clade is still quite sparse due to the low number of available pure cultures and their fastidious growth in defined media. Previously, it was shown that in the aerobic
gammaproteobacterium Congregibacter litoralis (C. litoralis) anoxygenic photophosphorylation depends on the carbon source and incubation conditions [15], but not on the carbon concentration, which is in contradiction to the finding of Cho et al. [16], who analysed the mixotrophic growth of the marine gammaproteobacterium click here HTCC2080 and found a positive correlation with very low nutrient concentrations. In another study a correlation of the pigment production in Chromatocurvus halotolerans (C. halotolerans) with the salinity of the used medium was found [17]. The reported results are however difficult to compare, because the experimental setups were not consistent. In order to broaden our knowledge on the mixotrophic growth behaviour of aerobic BChl a-containing gammaproteobacteria it would be therefore desirable to analyse various strains of this clade using the same study design. In the present work, three
taxonomically diverse strains of the gammaproteobacterial OM60/NOR5
clade were analysed applying the same methods as developed previously for C. litoralis, so Carbohydrate that the obtained results can be compared with existing data. The phylogenetic positions of these strains are as follows: Luminiphilus syltensis (L. syltensis) DSM 22749T is affiliated to the NOR5-1 lineage of the OM60/NOR5 clade and related to the strain HTCC2080, Pseudohaliea rubra (P. rubra) DSM 19751T is closely related to C. litoralis and belongs to the NOR5-3 lineage, whereas C. halotolerans DSM 23344T is associated with the NOR5-3 branch, but does not belong to it [5]. The physiological and genotypic differences between these strains have been described in an accompanying paper by Spring et al. [18]. Results and discussion The production of photosynthetic pigments is influenced by the type of carbon source and oxygen availability The amount of produced photosynthetic pigments in the type strains of L. syltensis, C. halotolerans and P. rubra was determined upon growth on different substrates in defined medium. In FigureĀ 1A results obtained with intermediates of the citric acid cycle as carbon sources are shown. The highest production of photosynthetic pigments was achieved in all three strains with malate, whereas succinate yielded the lowest amount of pigments. This effect was most pronounced in C. halotolerans and less significant in L. syltensis. A similar correlation between carbon source and pigmentation was obtained in a previous study with C.