Individual colonies were replica plated to HMM plates supplemente

Individual colonies were replica plated to HMM plates supplemented Lazertinib with 200 μg/mL hygromycin. The loss of the hph gene was verified by PCR using hph specific see more primers in clones unable to grow in the presence of

hygromycin. One such clone was selected and cured of the presence of the pSK-Tel-Kan-Blast-Cre plasmid by repeat passage in media in the absence of blasticidin selection. Loss of the plasmid was demonstrated phenotypically by the development of blasticidin S sensitivity and verified by the failure to amplify the bsd gene sequence. This clone was designated H. capsulatum UC 26. ALT8, ALT13, ALT15, ALT16 The ALT strains were generated by Agro bacterium-mediated transformation of T-DNA from the vector pCB301-GFP-HYG into the G217B strain as previously described [21, 23, 24]. The site of integration of each strain was identified by TAIL-PCR as previously described, and verified to each be unique and distinct from that of UC1 [40]. ALT-Cre1, ALT-Cre2 The ALT-Cre strains was generated by excision of the A. nidulans gpd promoter-E. coli hph-A. nidulans trpC terminator sequence fragment from ALT-16 by Cre-mediated recombination as described above. UC1-HMK1-RNAi An Agrobacterium binary vector for RNAi mediated silencing pCB301-Blast-186 was generated by the fusion of the

A. nidulans gpd promoter-bsd gene-A. nidulans trpC terminator cassette described above with an EcoRI- BspDI fragment liberated from pCR186 (obtained from Drs. William Goldman and Chad Rappleye) containing the H. capsulatum S3I-201 research buy H2B promoter sequences driving expression of a chimeric hairpin RNAi construct

containing a Bay 11-7085 portion of the GFP gene and a gene of interest flanked by the H. capsulatum catB terminator sequence. T-DNA from the vector pCB301-Blast-186 was transformed into UC1 as described previously [23, 24]. For the control strain, the hairpin construct contained sequence only for GFP. G217B-Blast1, G217B-Blast4, UH3-Blast The Blast strains were generated by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of T-DNA from the vector pCB301-Blast-186 described above, into G217B or UH3, as described previously [23, 24]. G217B-Mat1* and G217B-Bem1* To facilitate the express of recombinant proteins in H. capsulatum, the H2B promoter was amplified generating a ApaI-H2B-AscI fragment which was ligated to a synthetic oligonucleotide comprising an AscI site, an irrelevant stuffer sequence, a SbfI site and sequence encoding the cMyc epitope and in-frame stop codon. This was ligated to the H. capsulatum catB terminator sequence amplified with a downstream XbaI site. The fused fragment was ligated into the polylinker sequence of pSK-Tel-Kan-Hyg between the ApaI and SpeI sites to generate the overexpression vector pSK-Tel-Kan-Hyg-H2B-cMyc-catBterm.

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