Each fly was tethered to a tungsten wire with UV-cured glue and suspended within an electronic visual flight simulator consisting of a 32 × 88 cylindrical array of green LEDs ( Reiser and Dickinson, 2008). The amplitude and frequency of the fly’s wing beats were monitored with an optical wing-beat analyzer, allowing us to present visual stimuli in either open- or closed-loop mode ( Götz, 1987). All visual stimuli are described in the
Supplemental Experimental Procedures and depicted in Figure S2. Each 3 s open-loop stimulus HA-1077 in vitro condition was followed by 3.5 s of closed-loop “stripe fixation” to ensure that flies were actively steering at the onset of each trial. Within an experiment, each set of conditions was presented as random blocks repeated three times. Trials in which the fly stopped flying were repeated at the end of each block. These data were averaged on a per fly basis to produce a mean turning response for each stimulus condition. Further details of the all methods used are provided in the Supplemental Experimental Procedures. We thank Barret Pfeiffer, Heather Dionne, and Chris Murphy for molecular biology of Split-GAL4 constructs, Teri Ngo and Ming Wu for assistance
with Split-GAL4 screening, the Janelia Fly Core selleck screening library for assistance with Drosophila care, the Janelia Fly Light Project for providing images of the primary GAL4 lines and of C2 single neurons, the Janelia Fly Light Scientific Computing Team for image processing software, Matt Smear and Stephen Huston for assistance with stimulus design, Damon Clark for discussions of L1- and L2-inactivation phenotypes, and Magnus Karlsson and Jinyang Liu for continued development and support of the visual display system. The Iso-D1 and the two L1 stocks used in Figure S6 were a gift from Tom Clandinin. We also thank Larry Zipursky, Alla Karpova, Stefan Pulver, Vivek Jayaraman, Anthony Leonardo, and members of the Reiser, Jayaraman,
Card, and Rubin laboratories. This project was supported by HHMI. “
“In natural environments, important sensory stimuli are accompanied by competing and often irrelevant sensory events. Although simultaneous sensory signals can obscure one another, animals are adept at extracting important signals from noisy Thiamine-diphosphate kinase environments using a variety of sensory modalities (Born et al., 2000, Jinks and Laing, 1999, Raposo et al., 2012 and Wilson and Mainen, 2006). As a striking yet common example of this perceptual ability, humans and other vocally communicating animals can recognize and track individual vocalizations in backgrounds of conspecific chatter (Cherry, 1953, Gerhardt and Klump, 1988 and Hulse et al., 1997). The ability to extract an individual vocalization from an auditory scene is thought to depend critically on the auditory cortex (Näätänen et al., 2001).