Each agent had a fixed probability of predicting the asset’s move

Each agent had a fixed probability of predicting the asset’s movement accurately (Figure 2A), although this was not told to the subjects. As a result, the agents’ forecasting performance was independent of the asset’s performance. The asset increased or decreased in value on any particular trial with a drifting probability (Figure 2B). Subjects’

payoffs depended on the quality of their predictions, and not on the performance of the asset: every trial subjects won $1 for correct guesses and lost $1 for incorrect ones. See the Experimental Procedures for details. We assumed that subjects learned about the asset using a Bayesian model that allowed for estimates of the probability of price changes to evolve stochastically with changing Nutlin-3 in vivo degrees of volatility. This part of the model is based on previous related work on Bayesian learning about reward likelihood (Behrens et al., 2007, Behrens et al., 2008 and Boorman et al., 2011). The model described in the Supplemental Information (available online) learned to effectively track

the performance of the asset, as shown in Figure 2B (Table S1). Furthermore, on average, it successfully predicted 80.0% (SE, 2.0%) of subjects’ asset predictions and dramatically outperformed Linsitinib price a standard reinforcement-learning algorithm with a Rescorla Wagner update rule (Rescorla and Wagner, 1972) that allowed for subject-specific learning rates (see Table S1 and Supplemental Information for details). We considered four natural classes of behavioral models according to which participants might form and update beliefs about the agents’ expertise (see Experimental Procedures

and Supplemental Information for formal descriptions). All of the models assumed that subjects used information about agents’ performance to update beliefs about their ability using Bayesian updating. The models differed on the information that they used to carry out the updates, and on the timing of those updates within a trial. First, we and considered a full model of the problem, given the information communicated to subjects, which uses Bayes rule to represent the joint probability distribution for the unknowns (i.e., the asset predictability and an agent’s ability), given past observations of asset outcomes and correct and incorrect guesses. This model predicts that subjects learn about the asset and agents together, on the basis of both past asset outcomes and the past performance of agents. This model would represent an optimal approach for a setting in which these two parameters fully governed agent performance.

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