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helped the characterization of samples and experimental works. CIY helped the characterization of samples and preparing the manuscript. YTL developed the conceptual framework and supervised the whole work, and finalized the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final KU55933 order manuscript.”
“Background Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) [1, 2], a typical one-dimensional nanostructure, have attracted great attention due to their unique combination of electronic, mechanical, chemical, and thermal properties [3–8]. In recent years, CNTs can be prepared mainly by arc discharge [9, 10], laser evaporation [11], and chemical vapor deposition (CVD) [12, 13]. Due to their mature preparation methods and outstanding properties, CNTs have been extensively exploited in a range of potential applications pheromone including nanodevices [14], sensor [15], field emission [16, 17], battery [18], and hydrogen storage [19]. The properties of CNTs can be Cytoskeletal Signaling inhibitor highly enhanced when they are assembled into
arrays, which can gain more applications in carbon nanotube devices and further strengthen the advantage of electronic nanodevices [20–23]. Although some material have been successfully aligned [24], it is very difficult to manipulate CNTs to form arrays, which makes it difficult to be economical and practical. Researchers have tried to realize the self-assembly growth of CNT arrays with the help of other auxiliaries [25, 26], among which anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template is one of the important substrates for the growth of CNT arrays. Due to the uniform of the height and the nature, CNT arrays have great potential applications in many fields [25, 26]. Brushes are common tools for use in industry and our daily life. Typical materials for constructing brush bristles include animal hairs, synthetic polymer fibers, and metal wires.