After silencing ETK by RNAi in vitro, the migra tion and invasion of RCC cells were significantly inhib ited, suggesting that ETK may be one of the potential treatment targets for RCC. Conclusions Our study indicated that the high expression of ETK could promote the carcinogenesis and progression of RCC and result in a poor overall survival. ETK may be involved in the VEGF ETK STAT3 loop and served as a potential therapeutic target for RCC, which warrants verification in further studies. Introduction Folliculogenesis is a vigorously controlled process that involves both proliferation and differentiation of both granulosa and theca cells. These coordinated processes are controlled by local and systemic regulatory factors. The gonadotropins, FSH and LH, are essential for the develop ment of follicles beyond the early antral stage.
In both cat tle and sheep, ovarian antral follicle growth selleckchem FR 180204 occurs in a wave like pattern with 2 to 3 waves per cycle in cattle and 3 to 4 waves in sheep. Wave emergence is triggered by a transient rise in circulating FSH concentrations, which promotes significant growth of granulosa cells by regulating cell cycle proteins and increasing oestradiol production and the expression of LH receptors. As follicles mature, the largest follicles in the cohort pro duce high levels of oestradiol and inhibins. This inhib its FSH secretion and the drop in FSH concentrations initiates atresia and regression of the small follicles, whilst the largest follicle switches its dependence from FSH to LH and thus avoids regression.
FSH and LH exert their stimulatory selleck chemicals effect on prolifer ation and steroidogenesis by binding to specific G pro tein coupled receptors which in turn causes an increase in cAMP production and activation of the PKA pathway. While the PKA cAMP transduction pathway is generally considered to be the primary mediator of gonadotropin action, these hormones also activate other signalling path ways that include activation of the Erk pathway, the Akt pathway and the inositol triphosphate and diacylglycerol pathways. These signal transduc tion pathways, when activated, induce changes in protein activity and gene expression. It is the differential reg ulation of these pathways and the potential for cross talk between the pathways that is important in mediating the effects of these hormones. In addition to the gonadotropins, there are numerous growth factors and intraovarian regulators of follicle development and function that include insulin like growth factor and members of the TGF super family. It has been estab lished that IGF stimulates proliferation of granulosa and theca cells, and enhances the ability of gonadotropins to stimulate steroidogenesis in both granulosa and theca cells.