22%) and leg press (15.26%) 1-RM
strength, indicating the resistance training program alone augmented upper- and lower-body maximal strength. The FEN group experienced a 9.19% increase in bench press 1-RM, but this increase was not influenced by the experimental treatment. In spite of this, the FEN group experienced an increases in bench press 1-RM from T1 to T2 and T2 to T3, while PLA only increased from T1 to T2. Based on this finding, it is possible that fenugreek can positively affect performance measures, such as those analyzed in the present study, over longer periods of time (8+ weeks). This hypothesis is also applicable to our Wingate peak power https://www.selleckchem.com/products/BIBW2992.html findings, as the FEN group underwent a significant increase from baseline at week 8. Significant differences were observed between FEN and PL groups at T3 for leg press 1-RM, as FEN underwent a 25.29% increase. No significant changes were observed for bench press or leg press muscular endurance tests or Wingate mean power. To our knowledge, there have been no investigations examining the effects of a dietary supplement containing fenugreek on muscular strength. However, one particular inquiry [39] evaluated the effects of two different dosings (10 mg/kg or 35 mg/kg) of galactomannan treatment,
in comparison to testosterone AZD5363 treatment (10 mg/kg), on levator ani muscle weight in male castrated rats. At the end of six weeks, 35 mg/kg of galactomannan was as effective as the testosterone treatment at increasing the levator ani muscle and overall body weight in rats. An increase in a muscle’s weight is reflective of muscle hypertrophy or an increase in the cross sectional Bafilomycin A1 manufacturer area of muscle fibers. There is a direct relationship between a muscle’s cross sectional area and overall strength of that particular muscle [40]. Therefore, if the levator ani muscle
Sitaxentan increased in cross sectional area, the possibility exists that a strength increase accompanied this adaptation, even though there were no strength measurements assessed in this study. The results from the present study suggest that 500 mg of a commercially available supplement can increase overall body strength during an 8 week period, or potentially over a more chronic time frame, in resistance trained males, and there is a possibility that a high dosage of a treatment (galactomannan) can increase muscle strength via muscle hypertrophy in rat models, even though no direct evidence subsists to support this claim. Fenugreek supplementation is surrounded by assertions of having anabolic potential, even though there is no scientific data supporting this notion. In the present study we examined serum hormone variables that included free testosterone, DHT, estradiol, insulin, cortisol, and leptin over an eight week period. Of the above listed, no between or within group differences were observed for any of the measured hormone variables, except for free testosterone.