, 2001) Then we used the scheme described above (see Figure 4) t

, 2001). Then we used the scheme described above (see Figure 4) to assign a color to each voxel according to the projection of its category model weights into the PC space (for separate PC ABT 888 maps, see Figure S4). The results are shown in Figures 7A and 7C for two subjects (corresponding maps for other subjects are shown in Figure S5). (Readers who wish to explore these maps in detail, and examine the category selectivity of each voxel, may do so by going to http://gallantlab.org/semanticmovies.) These maps reveal that the semantic space is represented in broad gradients that are distributed across much of anterior visual

cortex (some of these gradients are shown schematically in Figure S6). In inferior temporal cortex, regions of animal (yellow) and human representation (green and blue-green) run along the inferior temporal sulcus (ITS). Both the fusiform face area and occipital face area lie within the region of human representation, but the surrounding region of animal representation was previously unknown. In a gradient that runs from the ITS toward the middle temporal sulcus, human representation gives way to Pifithrin-�� nmr animal representation, which then gives way to representation of human action, athletes, and outdoor spaces (red and red-green). The dorsal part

of the gradient contains the extrastriate body area and area MT+/V5 and also responds strongly to motion (positive on the first PC, see Figures 7B and 7D). In medial occipitotemporal cortex, a region of vehicle (pink) and landscape (purple) representation sits astride the collateral sulcus. This region, which contains the PPA, lies at one end of a long gradient that runs across medial parietal cortex. Toward RSC and along the PrCu, the representational gradient shifts toward buildings

(blue-indigo) and landscapes (purple). Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease This gradient continues forward along the superior bank of the intraparietal sulcus as far as the posterior end of the cingulate sulcus while shifting representation toward geography (purple-red) and human action (red). This long gradient encompasses both the dorsal and ventral visual pathways (Ungerleider and Mishkin, 1982) in one unbroken band of cortex that represents a continuum of semantic categories related to vehicles, buildings, landscapes, geography, and human actions. This map also reveals that visual semantic categories are well represented outside of occipital cortex. In parietal cortex, an anterior-posterior gradient from animal (yellow) to landscape (purple) representation is located in the posterior bank of the postcentral sulcus (PoCeS). This is consistent with earlier reports that movies of hand movements evoke responses in the PoCeS (Buccino et al., 2001; Hasson et al., 2004) and may reflect learned associations between visual and somatosensory stimuli. In frontal cortex, a region of human action and athlete representation (red) is located at the posterior end of the superior frontal sulcus (SFS).

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