2 and DOCK6.2. This indicates that PythDock could be a useful tool to study ligand-receptor interactions and could also be beneficial in structure based drug design.”
“Successful growth and development of the posthatching blastocyst and pregnancy establishment are a result of the interaction between a competent embryo and a receptive
AZD1390 mouse uterine environment. We examined the global transcriptome profiles of the Day 16 bovine conceptus and pregnant endometrium tissues using RNA-Seq to identify genes that contribute to the dialogue during the period of pregnancy recognition. Using stringent filtering criterion, a total of 16 018 and 16 262 transcripts of conceptus and pregnant endometrium origin, respectively, were identified with distinct tissue-specific expression profiles. Of these, 2261 and 2505 transcripts were conceptus and endometrium specific. Using Cytoscape software, a total of 133 conceptus ligands that interact with corresponding receptors on the endometrium and 121 endometrium ligands that interact with corresponding receptors on the conceptus were identified. While 87 ligands were commonly detected, 46 were conceptus specific and 34 endometrium specific. This study is one of
the first to provide a comprehensive list of potentially secreted molecules in the selleck screening library conceptus that interact with receptors on the endometrium and vice versa during the critical window of maternal recognition of pregnancy. The identified tissue-specific genes may serve as candidates to study pregnancy recognition and they or downstream products may represent JNK-IN-8 molecular weight potential early markers of pregnancy.”
“It is posed that protein intake is tightly regulated by the human body. The role of sensory qualities in the satiating effects of protein, however, requires further clarification. Our objective was to determine the effect of within-meal protein content and taste on subsequent food choice and satiety. We used a cross-over design whereby sixty healthy, unrestrained subjects (twenty-three males and thirty-seven females) with a mean age of 20.8 (SD 2.1) years and a mean BMI of 21.5 (SD 1.6) kg/m(2) were offered one
of four isoenergetic preloads (rice meal) for lunch: two low in protein (about 7% energy derived from protein) and two high in Protein (about 25% energy from protein). Both had a sweet and savoury version. At 30 min after preload consumption, subjects were offered an ad libitum buffet, consisting of food products differing in protein content (low/high) and taste (sweet/savoury). In addition, the computerised Leeds Food Preference Questionnaire (LFPQ) was run to assess several components of food reward, The results showed no effect of protein content: of the preloads on subsequent food choice. There was an effect of taste; after eating the savoury preloads, choice and intake of sweet products were higher than of savoury products. No such preference was seen after the sweet preloads.