Detailed facts of importance to specialist readers are published as ”Supporting Information”. Such documents are peer-reviewed, but not copy-edited or typeset. They are made available as submitted by HSP inhibitor the authors. “
“Cohn M. Meanderings into the regulation of effector class by the immune system: derivation of the trauma model. Scand J Immunol 2012;76:77–88 delves into the discussion of how the immune system might regulate the decision
between the immune response effector classes, and in particular identifies some key questions that need to be asked to understand how different classes of immune response occurring at the same time might be able to remain coherent and discrete. This is a needed discussion that advances the field, and the experiments proposed will go a long way to this website increasing our understanding of effector class regulation. However, in my opinion, the author makes some strong statements requiring substantiation regarding the impossibility of the involvement of germline-selected recognitive events as participating in self/non-self discrimination. Furthermore, the present discussion ignores a large body of contemporary
literature describing the function and specificity of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells (Treg) and formulates a theory that specifically excludes a role for Treg in maintaining self-tolerance without placing the contemporary evidence in the context of that theory. Thus in my opinion, these shortcomings should be addressed by the author. 1. A self and non-self selection process mediated by a somatic historical process is clearly involved in the sorting of the T cell repertoire into anti-self (which are eliminated or converted to natural Treg) or anti-non-self. However it is not clear to me how one can use this to validly exclude germline-selected recognitive events, as proposed by the danger model for example, from also playing a complementary Resveratrol role in S and NS discrimination in the periphery. Evolutionarily speaking, some
level of self-reactivity escaping ‘Module 2’ into the peripheral T cell repertoire may have conferred a fitness advantage through the enhancement of, for example, anti-tumour immunity. Thymic negative selection clearly does not eliminate all self-reactive immature Th cells from the repertoire, as one can find such cells in normal individuals without concomitant pathology [1, 2]. This fact also implies that there is some threshold number of self-reactive Th cells below which no adverse effect occurs, and thus, we must consider quantitative as well as qualitative aspects when considering what makes up the T cell repertoire. Instead of viewing the T cell ‘repertoire’ as just the set of individual T cell clones that are present in an individual, if one adds the dimension of how many of each of a specific T cell clone there are, then the control of expansion of a particular T cell clone becomes a way to shape the ‘effective repertoire’.