IGF-1 is the mediator of the ability of exercise to increase cell proliferation in the DG. Lack of IGF-1 and insulin in diabetes has the opposite effect and decreases cell proliferation. Neurogenesis and/or survival of newly born cells is increased by putting mice in a complex (”enriched“) environment.45 It is also increased by a form of classical conditioning
that activates the hippocampus (”trace conditioning“) prolongs the survival of newly born DG neurons.46,47 On the other hand, certain types of acute http://www.selleckchem.com/products/Paclitaxel(Taxol).html stress and many chronic stressors suppress neurogenesis or cell survival in the DG, and the mediators of these Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical inhibitor effects include excitatory amino acids acting via N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and endogenous opioids.2,48-50 Chronic stress has even more potent effects on neurogenesis and neuronal survival. CRS for 21 days suppressed neurogenesis and CRS for 42 days Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical causes the number of DG neurons to decrease along with total DG volume (Figure 3).51 Figure 3. A single restraint stress does not suppress cell proliferation. Repeated restraint stress for 21 days suppresses cell proliferation. Repeated restraint stress for 42 days reduces volume of Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the dentate gyrus (DG) and the number of neurons in the DG. Remodeling of dendrites Another form of structural plasticity is the remodeling of dendrites in the hippocampus.39 CRS causes retraction and simplification of dendrites in the CA3 region of the hippocampus (Figure
4). 2 Such dendritic reorganization can also be seen in rats undergoing adaptation of psychosocial stress in the visible burrow system (VBS).The VBS is an apparatus with an open chamber where there is a food and water supply and several tunnels and chambers.52 Rats can be observed from above by a video camera in this apparatus. In the VBS, male rats housed with several Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical females establish a dominance hierarchy within several days. Over the course of the next week, a few subordinate males may die and others (showing scars from bite marks) will show enlarged adrenals, low testosterone, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and many changes in brain chemistry. The dominant shows the fewest scars and has the highest level of testosterone, but also has somewhat larger GSK-3 adrenal glands
than cage control rats. Figure 4. Hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons are remodeled by 21-d restraint stress. A. Control. B. 21 days′ chronic restraint stress. Regarding changes in brain structure, it was the dominant rats that had a more extensive pattern of debranching of the apical dendrites of the CA3 pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus, compared with the subordinate rats, which showed reduced branching compared with the cage controls.53 What this result selleck chem emphasizes is that it is not adrenal size or presumed amount of physiological stress per se that determines dendritic remodeling, but a complex set of other factors that modulate neuronal structure. We refer to the phenomenon as “dendritic remodeling” and we generally find that it is a reversible process.